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Survival of the fittest

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Wade, Jared
Survival of the fittest / Jared Wade
The article deals a man named Randy Spivey who joined together with several other former Department of Defense officials last year to form the National Hostage Survival Training Center. Here, after more than 60 combined years spent training government and military personnel in abduction prevention and hostage survival training, this collection of experts has moved into the private sector to teach business people, journalists and other international travelers the tricks of their trade
En: Risk management. - New York. - Vol.52, nº6, June 2005 ; p. 10-15
1. Secuestros . 2. Terrorismo . 3. Víctimas humanas . 4. Gerencia de riesgos . 5. Seguridad . I. Título. II. Título: Risk management.