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Price wars

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Brewer Cavanaugh, Bonnie
Price wars / by Bonnie Brewer Cavanaugh
Yet now that the market leader has jumped into the fray, its competitors are readying for another pricing war -tiered pricing, that is- because even though the pricing wars subsired over the past couple of years, the auto insurance market remains highly competitive. Segmentation, the practice of slicing the auto insurance market into multiple segments to allow a company to create more categories and better define the risk pool , has been working well for State Farm's competitors
En: Best's review. - Oldwick, New Jersey. - October 2005 ; p. 37-46
1. Mercado de seguros . 2. Estados Unidos . 3. Seguro de automóviles . 4. Estadísticas . 5. Análisis de mercados . 6. Ranking . I. Título. II. Título: Best's review.