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Penetrating the mist : in China, regulators are groping for transparency as the insurance market surges

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Pilla, David
Penetrating the mist : in China, regulators are groping for transparency as the insurance market surges / by David Pillas
China's insurance market has been growing at the fastest rate in the world since the country joined the World Trade Organization in 2001. Along with that market growth, China's regulatory framework is being refurbished at a quickening pace, in an effort to keep the market from either spinning out of control or being strangled by unnecessary constraints
En: Best's review. - Oldwick, New Jersey. - May 2005 ; p. 28-32
1. Mercado de seguros . 2. China . 3. Mercados emergentes . 4. Reforma del seguro . 5. Reglamentación . 6. Derecho de seguros . 7. Transparencia financiera . 8. Liberalización del seguro . I. Título. II. Título: Best's review.