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Why women should make it to the boardroom, but seldom do

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Título: Why women should make it to the boardroom, but seldom do / Chris ParryAutor: Parry, Chris
Notas: Women appear to possess characteristics to a greeter degree than men, particularly on their earlier stages of their leadership careers. So, in organizations, nowadays women are more equipped than men to be successful as leaders in todays's business environmentRegistros relacionados: En: Competency & emotional intelligence: the journal of reformance through people. - London: Eclipse Group. - Vol. 12, nº 4, Summer 2005 ; p. 33-38Materia / lugar / evento: Empresas Desarrollo directivo Toma de decisiones Habilidades directivas Inteligencia emocional Liderazgo Mujeres Outras classificações: 922.12