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Best's Review-Número 7 103 2002


Publicação: Best's Review

Número: Número 7 103 2002

Tipo: Normal

Direitos: InC

Título Autor Páginas
Life in the public eye : newly demutualized life insurers adjust to the glare of shareholder scrutiny Gorski, Lorraine P. 22-29
Taking the Mutual Holding Company Route
Demutualizations : the state of conversions in 2002
Land of opportunity : industry strategies Latin America Pilla, David P. 43-45
Setting up shop in Latin America
Southern exposures Velazquez, Dan P. 46-47
Property/Casualty : share and share alike : corporations can create saving incentives by the way they allocate the cost of risk internally
Sources for allocation accounting standards
The ultimate niche : USAA's commitment to serving only people connected to the military, and its unusual structure and sales strategy, set it apart from the rest of the insurance industry
USAA Assists Sept. 11 survivor efforts
Swift justice : insurers can cut legal claims costs by streamlining the decision-making process the determines whether to settle or proceed to trial
Shelter from the storm : while a sharp increase in the frequency of small weather-related events has many large carriers retrenching in the homeowners line, smaller insurers generally are faring well in this market
Homeowners multiple peril, top writers by state - 2001
Homeowners multiple peril, top writers - 2001
Building a better model : Enron's downfall should alert directors and officers writers that their underwriting models must be accurate, up to date and effective for their entire policy portfolio
7 steps to better models
Property/Casualty marketplace
Tried and true : insight : today's environment generally features yesterday's challenges
Doing the right thing : insight : now more than ever, the insurance industry needs to be a model of corporate ethics
Property/casualty loss/risk notes
The matter of data : insight : a recent court decision rejected the notion that damage to information stored on computers is insured as "property damage"
Raising America's LTC IQ : insurers must teach their clients the benefits of planning for longterm care early, as well as the consequences of waiting
Appetite control : new HIAA chairman says Americans need to be weaned from their love of cheap health care
Life/Health marketplace
Pay now or pay later : insight : the dwindling number of master underwriters and the industry's lack of commitment to developing them pose a grave threat to insurers
Lessons from Japanese Auto Makers : insight : product architecture offers a solution for the insurance industry's poor productivity gains
Capitalizing on components : insight : new, integrated component-based software helps insurers cut costs, bring products to market faster and support a customer-focused orientation
Getting ir right the first time : the push is on for health-care insurers to use information technology to make claims processing more accurate and less costly