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Best's Review-Número 12 103 2003


Publicação: Best's Review

Número: Número 12 103 2003

Tipo: Normal

Direitos: InC

Título Autor Páginas
Microscope or binoculars : traditional risk managers are being divided into those who focus on insurance and those who oversee a company's entire risk, even risks for which insurance isn't available
Hard times : the economy is not the only worry for risk managers, who play an increasingly vital and difficult role in the overall security of their companies
Breaking barriers : risk managers and information technology managers need to work together to protect their companies form cyber-crime
For your eyes only : this month insurers face the first of three federally mandated privacy compliance deadlines
Producing a winner : hard markets mean hard times for product development, but it doesn't have to be that way
Product development's ups and downs
Surviving the storm : by spending 5% to 10% more upfront to fortify the construction of a new home, dwellings can be made more resistant to catastrophe-caused property damage
Growing pains : insight : the number of large agencies is increasing, making changes in management practices more important than ever
Property/Casualty marketplace
A changing role : insight : chief financial officers must do more with less as they work to restore investor trust
Knowing the competition : insight : in the highly competitive insurance industry, we cannot afford to be negligent in analyzing our competitors
Discovery channel : health insurers must decide whether to cover the steady stream of federally approved high-tech medical devices
The latest model : life insurers can now reap the benefits of catastrophe modeling
The sunny side of life : anemic interest rates and an uncertain stock market feed the growth of equity index annuities
10 ways to get into the game : individual disability-income products come in a variety of shapes and sizes, all of which can be profitable for insurers
Doing right on governance : insight : the core of corporate governance is the development of a risk-sensitive culture the enables the right people to do the right thing at the right time
Life/Health marketplace
Blinded by the might : insight : companies shouldn't get caught up in the bells and whistles of technology so much that they lose sight of basic sales and marketing functions
The electric cure : technology helped move weelchoice from the brink of bankruptcy to financial security and increased productivity
Time to get real : insurers must harness the Internet to grow business and reduce costs
IT in a cost-driven era : insight : insurers are using portfolio management tools to help allocate tight resources
The right sale : insurers address suitability concerns as sales of long-term-care products grow
Spreading the word : agents who share information about long-term-care insurance with prospects and their families create benefits for everyone involved
Sky alert : wireless devices offer new conveniences for the insurance business, but also new levels of risk