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Best's Review-Número 1 104 2003


Publicação: Best's Review

Número: Número 1 104 2003

Tipo: Normal

Direitos: InC

Título Autor Páginas
Building credibility : five insurance technologists discuss project management, the Internet, legacy systems and other challenges, plus their evolving role in the industry
Playing hard ball : independent agents are taking advantage of the hard market to grow their businesses through referrals, retention, focused marketing and some in-the-field underwriting
In hard market, agents need to be advocates
Filled to the brim : while workers' compensation insurance pools have grown rapidly in the past two years, they are still nowhere near the crisis levels reached more than a decade ago
Workers' comp hot spots : California and Florida
California fund : the bigger they are, the harder they fall?
Florida's residual market : time for change?
Faces of the industry : a new multimedia gallery of the Insurance Hall of Fame honors insurance leaders from around the world
Claims busters : Plymouth Rock's mobile claims adjusters mix technology with a personal touch to keep costs down while making customers happy
Property/Casualty marketplace
Philosophy meets function : insight : agency principals must translate operating philosophy into job design and workflow processes
Loss/Risk management notes
Movable coverage : insight : successor coverage may be narrower than successor liability
Leading the way : insight : insurers are looking to employees with good leadership skills to face current market challenges with confidence
Health emergency : universal health care could be crafted to save the nation money and give insurers a major role
Left holding the bag : agents and brokers who sell unlicensed health plans to selfinsured employers face the prospect of being liable for unpaid medical claims, losing their state insurance license and serving time in prison
Regulators attack growing health-care fraud
Next survivor show? : insight : industry associations are competing against each other for membership and prestige and must refine their focuses to stay afloat
Life/Health marketplace
A time for self-promotion : insight : underwriters play a central role in the life-insurance business, but insurers may not fully recognize their value
Fitting the Bill : technological advances have made the elusive target of electronic bill presentment and payment for group bills an attainable goal
Power house ; insight : utility computing can lend itself immediately to providing business benefit
Under treatment : asoncologists struggle with the traditional process of charging patients for chemotherapy medication, insurers are offering their own cure for the situation
States call for price check
It begins with medicare
The mighty duck : aflac is boosting sales and name recognition with its ubiquitous duck, and now the marketing icon is also reaching audiences in Japan
Ducks in a row
Growth of the Japanese Market
Eyes on India : moving technology operations to India is giving insurers and insurance software providers cost savings and high-quality results
Strategies for outsourcing success