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Best's Review-Número 11 105 2005


Publicação: Best's Review

Número: Número 11 105 2005

Tipo: Normal

Direitos: InC

Título Autor Páginas
To tell de truth : when it comes to disclosure, insurance is the last sector to feel Spitzer's influence
Restricted access : a proposed model law would limit insurers'use of claims databases as understanding tools, but some agents say that's ok
What agencies really want : a central database for prospects and clients would be part of an ideal agency management system
Making healthy choices : consumer-driven health plans allow insureds to be more involved in decisions concerning health care
Being in charge : health savings accounts are making consumers responsible for what they spend on medical care
Body guards : a growing number of celebrities are protecting their livelihoods by insuring their physical assets
Reserving clash : the life industry is divided over reserve requirements for certain UL policies with seconday guarantees
Flu pandemic : a real threat. Deaths and claims paid by life insurers would dwarf those generated by other natural disasters and terrorism
Upscale move : citigroup's premium distribution channels attrated MetLife
The Comeback Corporation : prudential financial has emerged from a 10 year transformation as a leaner, more competitive and better positioned company
It's all about trust : as consumers continue to clamor for transparency, life insurers and agents must do a better job communicating with policyholders about what they are buying
Reach for the stars : insurers are playing a critical role in transforming the dream of affordable space tourism from a science fiction fantasy into a reachable reality
Covering it all : transurance offers an innovative approach to insuring traditionally uninsurable losses
A risk worth taking : entrepreneurship for carriers and brokers is not for the faint-hearted
Way to grow : Unitrin chief executive tells why the company chose its latest acquisition and predicts more renewal rights transactions in the industry in 2005
Reality check : the insurance industry has the opportunity to upgrade the most important part of its business
10 facts and myths about Gramm-Leach-Bliley : the GLB financial services modernization law hasn't lived up to initial expectations, but it has brought changes, some for the better
A little help from the Court : the recent Cooper vs. Aviall decision may help insurers with environmental liability claims, but the claims won't go away and adjusters need to know the nuances of the ruling
Sowing a lawsuit : a top court rules that when a farmer collects patented seeds, it goes beyond the terms of his liability policy
Standing appointments : the path of reinsurance renewals still leads through Monte Carlo and Baden-Baden, but consolidation and technology are changing the scenery
Down but not out : brokers sat property reinsurance pricing continues to soften
The bloom fades : new capacity is putting pressure on the primary U.S. casualty market, and reinsurers are shying away from some lines they think might be underpriced
No small matter : nanotechnology holds out substantial growth opportunities and possibly big risks for the insurance industry
Spanning the business : financial performance management provides a glimpse at probable outcomes and trends in performance
Roadblock ahead : legislation and a coalition of car manufacturers and privacy advocates are poised to restrict auto insurers' access to "black box" data