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Best's Review-Número 7 101 2000


Publicação: Best's Review

Número: Número 7 101 2000

Tipo: Normal

Direitos: InC

Título Autor Páginas
Declaration of independents : proper structuring of contracts with independent agents can reduce insurers' potential liability
Special orders : some reinsurers are expanding into the capital-markets arena to bolster their business
A new generation in the cross hairs : some insurers already have begun targeting members of Generation Y -the first wired generation- as future policyholders
Leveraging umbrellas : benchmarks are emerging that can help companies determine whether they are getting the most from their umbrella programs
Something different, something new : property/casualty insurers need an established process for developing innovative products
Treasure hunt : regardless of whether insurers pursue salvage and subrogation, recovery often depends more on the characteristics of the company than on its management
Managing managed care : as health providers struggle for profitability, health plans can no longer rely on capitation as the primary strategy to keep a lid on costs. The new challenge is to put more "managed" into managed care
Freedom of choice : individual life insurance applicants are more likely to purchase a policy if they can choose from a variety of underwriting requirements,...
Batter up : mega-contracts for professional baseball players are straining disability coverage capacity
Leaping the "digital divide" : insurers need to understand the various business models available through the Internet. Think e-business, not Web site
Window shopping : online aggregators created a new business model, but sales have been slow at develop
Talk turns to action in London : underwriters who have long forecast an end to the soft market are taking steps to make their predictions come true. 1999 Top U.K. General Insurers
World target practice : U.S. and European insurers are pursuing expansions in the emerging markets of Latin America, Asia and Central and Eastern Europe