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Best's Review-Número 8 101 2000


Publicação: Best's Review

Número: Número 8 101 2000

Tipo: Normal

Direitos: InC

Título Autor Páginas
Courting captives : several states are setting up captive insurance domiciles to lure new and old business away from longtime leaders, like Vermont and Hawaii
Pickup trucks and captives : a captive insurance company can be used in different ways to transfer risk
Choosing partners : some insurers are using strategic alliances as a quick and profitable alternative to mergers and acquisitions
Code of Ethics : more insurers are hiring ethics officers to set and implement corporate mores
Rethinking the rules : this year, Congress will consider several pieces of legislation that would change how the insurance industry does business
Getting a grasp on e-commerce risks : limited claims history makes it difficult to underwrite new e-commerce risks and to anticipate the claims they will produce
Keeping faith : over-aggressive defense of first-party claims and bad-faith lawsuits can backfire on insurers, leading to verdicts in favor of the plaintiffs
The big get bigger : Lloyd's gears up for a hard market
Hostage situation : kidnappings for ransom are on the rise, and insurers are selling more policies to protect executives who travel to high-risk countries
Long-term scare : the vast majority of long-term-care policyholders have never filed a claim. Insurers are hoping they'll be ready when the claims start pouring in
Unlocking the senior market : understanding the financial, health, emotional and lifestyle concerns of older Americans is key to long-term-care sales
Focus on the future : Lincoln National is fortifying its niche by building up its arsenal of wealth-accumulation and asset-management products and services
Ready and able
The Art of Medical Underwriting
Putting it all together
20 questions
Automation advantage
Building a better warehouse
Capitalizing on change
Unicove, falling stock may have sealed reliance fate