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Best's Review-Número 4 101 2000


Publicação: Best's Review

Número: Número 4 101 2000

Tipo: Normal

Direitos: InC

Título Autor Páginas
Linking for success : executives are leaving traditional insurance companies in droves for the challenge and thrill of leading dot-com start-ups
Capital quandaries : executives of some mutual insurance companies have taken bold action to raise capital and have encountered some unexpected results
Turning risk into reward : good enterprise risk management includes a company's vision, strategic plans, financial objetives and tolerance for risk
Flight plans : the 2001 meeting schedule will take insurance industry trade group members around the nation and the world
Vanishing act : cargo theft has mushroomed in the last few years, giving insurers new headaches and new opportunities
Accounting for costs : medical-cost expenses continued to outpace the general inflation rate, keeping the price indexes for major property/casualty lines above the consumer price index in 1999
Good as new : insurers have found that restoring insured property instead of cashing out a claim improves their image, helps retention and saves money
Profit slide : disability insurers are trying to shore up profits while competition cut prices and steal market share
Culture clash : executives disagree about whether life insurers must demutualize to succeed
Tailor-made : agents can obtain life insurance for their special-risk clients through clinical underwriting, which treats all applicants as individuals
Message for the masses : a system that will allow agents to input information once and receive multiple real-time quotes from various carriers is gaining support