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Best's Review-Número 7 99 1998


Publicação: Best's Review

Número: Número 7 99 1998

Tipo: Normal

Direitos: InC

Título Autor Páginas
A matter of degree : industry support of college risk-management and insurance programs is growing, bu many insurers are reluctant to limit their pool of job applicants to insurance-specific majors
Pest control : profesional liability
Beating the spread : those who handle insurer' investments are shifting the mix in hopes of eking out a few more decimals of growth. The bad news: it's going to get tougher
Capital ideas : a report commissioned by the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies tells mutuals how to find growth funds
COO liddy to succeed choate as allstate chairman, CEO : after 37 years with the nation's largest publicly traded personal lines insurance company, the chief steps aside so the company can pursue new growth strategies
Workplace shakeup : Liberty Mutual Group`will purchase employers insurance of Wausau and its subsidiary companies from the Nationwide Insurance Group. The deal gives two major insurers a shove in opposite directions
Putting a roof on the homeowners market : reinsurance coverage is changing as companies find new ways to retain and reisure their homeowners risk
Watching the bulls roar by : Wall Street's rampage of recent years captured the world's attention, but most insurers have steered clear of the surging stock market. The reasons are more the regulatory
Litigation agitation : The british are suing each other more readily, but their legal system doesn't allow for U.S. style, multimillion-dollar litigation awards
Leading the charge for Tax-Free cat reserves : USAA chief Robert T. Herres wants to bring a new wrinkle to the catastrophe-reserving issue-let insurers do it themselves, with aid from the IRS
High-Tech sleuths : powerful new software systems help insurance investigators uncover fraud more effectively
Technology supplement : Fulfilling the e-promise