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The Review : worldwide reinsurance-Número Febrero 2000

Publicação: The Review : worldwide reinsurance

Número: Número Febrero 2000

Tipo: Normal

Direitos: InC

Título Autor Páginas
True believer : Hojn Engeström has a vision for the future of Tempest Re
Year of the cat : the losses reported by catastrophe reinsurers in recent times and is optimistic that a more profitable year lies ahead
Bermuda : Island of innovation : Bermudian reinsurers are expanding their business, while US holding companies are redomesticating in Bemuda
Careating a storm : hurricane forecasting is a tool of crucial importance to he insurance industry
Efficient reinsurance : legal update
Insurers weite off : e-commerce at cost
That old glass ceiling feeling: the discriminatory chestnuts of maternity and being the wrong gender are slowing womenns rise in the reinsurance industry
The London market: Lloydns overview, the IUA and technology
Managing risk is the key to success: a specialist in risk management harnesses the best ways of gaining competitive advantage from process and control systems
Mediation puts litigants in the driving seat: mediation saves time, money and may preserve a commercial relationship
California forum: key topics discussed at the 38th Risk and Insurance Management Society conference in San Francisco, April 30-May 5
Lawsuit threat is sting in bugns tail: re-insurers who thought that the Y2K bug was dead should not breathe a sigh of relief just yet
Man with a plan: Charles-Werner Skrzynski, director of the international division of MMA and CEO of French reinsurers, Le Mans Ré
Clear horizons: disasters in 1999 claimed over 100.000 lives
Pensiones off: Francens pension reforms are bad news for the countryns biggest insurers who are set to lose a substantial sum of money
Disaster struck: French re-insurers were hit hard by Europens December storms
Out in the cold: consolidation among reinsurers has heightened competition and brokers are being pushed into niche services as clients increasingly cut out the middle man
The dog that didnnt bark: massive increases in re-insurance rates have been expected for a long time, but no significant changes have happened yet
Taxing times Baxter, David P. 27-28
Hedge your bets: insurers and reinsurers have explored offshore centres to conduct their business in a fiscally friend environment
Focus on the future: internet security, corporate fools and a worldwide internet forum
Top 125 reinsurers by rating
International arbitration and third party evidence
Y2K - the Dutch way: a reinsurer has been set up in the Netherlands just for the millenium
Niche strategies: the euro may not have had a profound effect on insurance in France, but especialisation and international expansion ensure it is still a dynamic industry
Global warning: Standard & Poorns has warned that soft rates and the recent spate of catastrophes could be a reinsurerns recipe for a disaster
Prince of Denmark: Matthew Petzold, active underwriter of Danish Re, which has launched by former Copenhagen Re staff in 1999
Games, upsets and cash: extent of cover available for the exposures of sporting events
Yesterdayns news?: modern methods of Art can still be considered "alternative" after several years on the market
Art to art: what is the best method of alternative risk transfer? Is it reinsurance or derivatives?
20:20 vision: how contingent capital, the insurance and capital markets hybrid, can be used to finance losses after an event has occurred
Arabian revival: the influence of changes in oil prices on opportunities for reinsurers operating in the region
Chips with everything: how microchip technology could be of relevance to re/insurers
The legal logjam: the hurdles of reinsurance claims and suggest ways to speed-up the process