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World Insurance Report-Número 631 2000

Publicação: World Insurance Report

Número: Número 631 2000

Tipo: Normal

Direitos: InC

Título Autor Páginas
Attack ups e-risk awareness : the sale of business interruption (BI) policies that cover internet risks are set to grow exponentially as attacks on high-profile websites raise awareness of the threat of hackers
Mitui rethinks merger plans : Mitsui Marine & Fire (MMF), Tokyo, has scrapped plans to merge with Nippon Fire & Marine and Koa Fire & Marine, both Tokyo, a consolidation that would have taken MMF to the top of the Japanese casulty-insurance industry
The markets : US financial services not ready for Internet
International : no sign of merger slowdown : following a year that saw an explosion of merger and acquisition deals across all sectors of business, a report by Commerzbank, concludes there is no reason for the pace of cosolidation in the insurance
India IRDA sparks tariff debate : the Insurance Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA) has provoked controversy within three months of obtaining statutory powers following the passge of the IRDA bill in Parliament
China insurers must split life and non-life : the Chinese insurance regulator is demanding that domestic insurers Pingan, China Pacific and Winjiang Construction Corp should separate their life and property businesses before the end of the year
Argentina 1999 premiums grow 10% : total Argentina insurance premiums rose 10%to a record P6.6bn (US$6.6bn) in 1999
Law & supervision : EU : new vehicle disposal rules may add costs : vehicle legislation approved by the European Parliament on 3 February may add to the cost of cross-border motoring claims in the European Union
US : New York crime rings busted : the New York Insurance Department has made a total of 75 arrest, 14 in an upstate workers compensation fraud sweep, 53 in a car-gheft ring with links to organised crime, and eight arrests from smaller investigations
New Zealand Minister questions accident claims : the accident insurance regulator is to examine the data upon which the Insurance Council bases its claim that the private insurance market has seen deaths and injuries reduce by almost half
Italy reform to workers compensation : the government has approved the reform of Istituto Nazionale Infortuni sul Lavoro, the Italian mandatory scheme for accidents at work
Germany tax reform heralds new era : Herbert Fromme analyses the impact proposed tax reforms are likely to have on the German insurance industry
Lloyd's : Lloyd's outlines three-year vision
London acts on costs and delays : the assault on outmoded London market practices is gathering pace
General Insurers : AIG; MNI Holding; Risk Capital Holdings; Hungaria Biztosito; Mitsui M&F; St Paul; Generali; Pohojla; Coface/Euler; Asa; Sampo; Allianz
Reinsurers : Swiss Re; XL Capital; Partner Re; Bavarian Re
Company profile : Munich Re
World loss log 2 February - 15 February : late reports; marine; road-rail; aviation; liability, awards, settlements