
The Journal of the economics of ageing -Volumen 27 - 2024


Publicación: The Journal of the economics of ageing

Número: Volumen 27 - 2024

Tipo: Normal

Derechos: InC

Título Autor Páginas
Age and education effects in Singapore's demographic dividend 1970-2020 Choo, Eddie 6 p.
Households' heterogeneous welfare effects of using home equity for life cycle consumption p. 15
Intergenerational time transfer, retirement and public pensions Nguyen, Quynh-Nga 15 p.
The (dynamic) effect of retirement on food purchases Normann Rønnow, Helene p.13
Residential electricity consumption over the demographic transition in the Philippines Abrigo, Michael R.M. p.13
Socioeconomic inequalities in national transfers accounts in Ecuador 2006 and 2011 : Did a new socialist government make a difference? Rosero-Bixby, Luis 9 p.
Generational economic dependency in aging Europe :contribution of education and population changes 15 p.
Preference for young workers in mid-career recruiting using online ads for sales jobs : evidence from Japan Zvedelikova, Mirka 16 p.
Education and South Africa's waning demographic dividend Oosthuizen, Morné 12 p.
Intergenerational paid and unpaid labor production and consumption inequality by gender in Mexico Mejía-Guevara,Iván 11 p.
Investment in human capital by socioeconomic status in Uruguay Bucheli, Marisa 11 p.
Aging, education and sorne other implications for the silver dividend in developing countries : Evidence from Brazil Rocha de Jesus Fernandes, Anderson 12 p.
The fiscal consequences of changing demographic composition : Aging and differential growth across Israel's three major subpopulations Shraberman, Kyrill 13 p.
Retirement and healthcare utilization : Evidence from pension eligibility ages in South Korea Oh, Byeung-Kuk 31 p.