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MAP20240014155Aging populations and expenditures on health / Malene Kallestrup-Lamb [et al.]11 p.Sumario: Aging populations exert upwards pressure on healthcare systems, raising concerns about increasing expenditures on health. This paper reviews the empirical literature on the issue and critically assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the outcomes measured, methodologies used, and the hypotheses tested. While age strongly predicts long-term care expenditure, the time-to-death factor renders the aging effect null for hospital care expenditure. Existing literature disagrees on the importance of age and time-to-death effects on prescription drug and ambulatory care costsEn: The Journal of the economics of ageing . - Oxford : Elsevier ScienceDirect, 2021-. - 15/10/2024 Volumen 29 - 2024 , 11 p.1. Salud. 2. Envejecimiento de la población. 3. Sistemas sanitarios. 4. Gastos médicos. I. Kallestrup-Lamb, Malene . II. Título.