
The Need for a corporate global mind-set

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Section: Articles
Title: The Need for a corporate global mind-set / Thomas M. Begley, David P. BoydAuthor: Begley, Thomas M.
Notes: It's not enough for a new executives at a multinational to have a global mind-set. All employees should excel at balancing global consistency with local responsiveness. That's why many organizations are testing ways to embed a corporate global mind-set in companywide policies. Research shows that managers universally recognize the imperative, but only a few are close to implementing itRelated records: En: Sloan Management Review. - Boston. - nº 2,Vol. 44, Winter 2003 ; p. 25-32Materia / lugar / evento: Directivos de empresas Dirección de empresas Política empresarial Liderazgo Filosofía empresarial Estrategia empresarial Organización interna Multinacionales Gestión de recursos humanos Otros autores: Boyd, David P.
Other categories: 922.15
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