
Our joint journey

Our joint journey
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Schneemeier, Wilhelm
Our joint journey / Wilhelm Schneemeier
Sumario: The engagement of Spanish representatives in the AAE Board, the Pensions Committee, the Risk Management Committee and also the Education Committee was a tremendous support to the ongoing professionalisation of our European umbrella organisation. Nowadays the IAE is in a position where its voice is recognisably heard by the actuarial community and European institutions
En: Actuarios. - Madrid : Instituto de Actuarios Españoles, 1990-. - 20/12/2022 Número 51 - Otoño 2022 , p. 22-23
1. Actuarial Association of Europe . 2. Instituto de Actuarios Españoles . 3. Asociaciones profesionales . 4. Cooperación comunitaria . 5. Política comunitaria . 6. España . 7. Unión Europea . I. Título.