
The Actuary: the magazine of the Institute Faculty of Actuaries

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The Actuary: the magazine of the Institute Faculty of Actuaries
Editorial: This issue focuses on progress and a drive for a change, says Yiannis Parizas -- President comment: New president Kalpana Shah calls for actuaries to be courageous and raise our profession's voice -- IFoA news: The latest IFoA updates and events -- News focus: Grey matter On the RAAC concrete scandal -- Health: Doctoring the approach. Why a modern NHS needs more actuaries David McDwyer explains -- Economics: All for one and one for all Universal Basic Income. Is it workable, asks Pedro Medford? -- Reinsurance: Structural support Tanya Sethi's step-by-step guide to having a better reinsurance back-up -- Health: Age old questions Social care approaches vary between countries; we compare six of them -- Maths: How do you solve a problem like Erdos? Andrew Treglown salutes legendary mathematician Paul Erdõs -- Data drive: Datasets and match -- Data drive: The credible journey -- Data drive: Cloud cover -- Data drive: Planting the seeds -- Extra-curricular -- Soft skills: The valley of fear -- Puzzles -- People and society news -- Student
En: The Actuary : the magazine of the Institute & Faculty of Actuaries. - London : Redactive Publishing, 2019-. - 09/10/2023 Número 6 - octubre 2023 , 52 p.
1. Actuarios . 2. Reaseguro . 3. Salud . 4. Aspectos económicos . 5. Análisis de datos . 6. Nuevas tecnologías . 7. Resiliencia . I. Título.