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Intelligent Insurer review. October 2021

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<title>Intelligent Insurer review. October 2021</title>
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<dateIssued encoding="marc">2021</dateIssued>
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<tableOfContents displayLabel="Contents">Be the difference: Why risk entrepreneurs can shine right now -- Nivante: Female-led MGA startup is backed by A-rated capacity and is distributing through brokers only -- The growing demand for cyber cover: Cyber chief shared her insights in Intelligent Insurer's 1.1 Club -- Steel City Re: Deliver on your ESG promisesor risk your reputation, says CEO -- Assessing the threats to cybersecurity: Beazley is investing a lot of time, resources, and capital into providing services helping companies -- How to select an insurtech partner: Markel's MD discusses what the future might hold for the sector -- Parametric solutions: an important financial tool: Parametric solutions are one offering that fits into closing the gap -- Supercede: Startup co-founders aim to bring the ability to bolster reinsurers dealing with data -- Dislocation, rates and new opportunities : the D&O market has been a tough one in recent years. Are times changing? -- The future of the D&O market: a re/insurance Lounge session discussed what's ahead -- Is the industry ready for a global cyber attack?: A panel of experts debated the issue -- The role of governments in cyber protection: A government's involvement does not need to stop at information gathering, a panel agreed -- Airmic: future-proofing organisations: CEO Julia Graham explains her approach -- 
Addressing emerging risks: Regulators discuss the challenges at the Global Insurance Forum -- Thinking outside the box: he newest inductee into the IIS Hall of Fame, Greig Woodring, discusses his career </tableOfContents>
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<title>Intelligent Insurer review</title>
<publisher>Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth [United Kingdom] : Newton Media Limited, 2009-2023</publisher>
<identifier type="local">MAP20110060480</identifier>
<text>28/10/2021 Número 10 - 2021 </text>
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