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Realism and costructivism in strategy research : a critical realist response to Mir and Watson

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Kwan, Kai-Man
Realism and costructivism in strategy research : a critical realist response to Mir and Watson / Kai-Man Kwam and Eric W.K. Tsang
This article describes the effort of Mir and Watson to use contemporary philosophy of science to throw light and simulate critical reflections on strategy research. The article propose a dialogue with them from the prespective of critical realism
En: Strategic management journal. - Chichester [etc.] : Wiley. - Vol. 22, nº 12, December 2001 ; p. 1163-1168
1. Estrategia empresarial . 2. Empresas . 3. Management estratégico . 4. Pensamiento económico . 5. Relativismo . I. Tsang, Eric W.K . II. Título.