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Leveraging the hard market

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Lang, Gregory P.
Leveraging the hard market / by Gregory P. Lay
In many reinsurance transaction, the amount of leverage each negotiating party has depend on the state of the market cycle (hard or soft) and on which side of the table they sit (buyer or seller). Over the last three years , many reinsurance buyers may have felt somewhat helpless as they watches their rates increase and terms and conditions tighten. How can both buyer and seller help each other to smooth out these market cycles?. Bellow are just a few of the strategies and tools available to risk managers and other buyers of reinsurance to manage the cost of risk
En: Risk Management. - New York. - August 2004 ; p. 26-30
1. Reaseguro . 2. Mercado de seguros . 3. Empresas de seguros . 4. Coste del riesgo . 5. Terrorismo . I. Risk and Insurance Management Society . II. Título.