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Revisiting Burns and Stalker : formal structure and new venture performance in emerging economic sectors

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Sine, Wesley D.
Revisiting Burns and Stalker : formal structure and new venture performance in emerging economic sectors / Wesley D. Sine, Hitoshi Mitsuhashi and David A. Kirsch
This study examines the effects of formal structure on the performance of new ventures in the emergent Internet sector during the years 1996-2001. Burns and Stalker argued that in dynamic economic sectors, firms with organic structures are more effective than those with more mechanistic structures
En: Academy of management journal. - New York. - Vol. 49, nº 1, February 2006 ; p. 121-132
1. Internet . 2. Dinámica empresarial . 3. Estudios . 4. Estructura empresarial . 5. Cambio tecnológico . 6. Cambio estratégico . 7. Comercio electrónico . I. Mitsuhashi, Hitoshi . II. Kirsch, David A. . III. Título.