
Millennials in the insurance industry

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<title>Millennials in the insurance industry</title>
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<dateIssued encoding="marc">2016</dateIssued>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">Almost 90% of the millennials surveyed by Business Insurance said they did not intentionally pursue a position in the insurance industry. They were introduced to the industry by relatives and friends, stumbled into it or found out about it in their school curriculum. But 79% intended to stay and grow in the industry once they were in it.This survey is part of a research program of the Business Insurance Diversity and Inclusion Institute¿s Absolute Inclusion Conference in Chicago in September. The goals are to understand what younger generations are looking for in a career in the insurance industry and to try to gain some insights into their perception of the industry. An online survey with URL link was sent out in August to multiple sample sources that included employees of members of the Diversity and Inclusion Institute, members of Gamma Iota Sigma and Future PLUS, Business Insurance¿s rising risk  professionals and 40 Under 40 brokers leaders. The URL link was also made available to be forwarded via social media and posted on Business Insurance¿s Twitter and LinkedIn pages. To qualify, respondents needed to be under 35 years old.</abstract>
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<topic>Mercado de seguros</topic>
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<title>Business insurance</title>
<publisher>London : Crain Communications INC., 2006-</publisher>
<identifier type="local">MAP20077002240</identifier>
<text>01/12/2016 Número 20 - diciembre 2016 , p. 27-29</text>
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