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Section: Electronic documentsTitle: What's happening in Chemistry?Publication: Washington, D.C. : American Chemical Society, 1981Notes: Fondo donado por el Sr. Enrique González Fernández, del INSHTSumario: Introduction -- Splitting water by Mock photosynthesis -- Progress in coal Chemistry -- Fuel cells pushed as general source of electricity -- Aluminum/air cells for vehicles -- Spanish fly made in laboratory -- Changing views on origins of life -- New developments in biotechnology -- Positro emitters, boon to medical research, diagnosis -- Opioid peptides, a biochemical puzzle -- Enzyme levels and mammals' life-spans -- cGMP affects bacterial sensory system -- Uses of computers in Chemistry -- Carcinogens test extended to natural substances -- New approach to food additives -- Sulfoxonium ion causes dogger bank itch -- Iridium, clue to dinosaurs' demise -- Asthma-related substances identified and synthesized -- Three share nobel prize for 1980 -- Berzelius and the "fourth language"Materia / lugar / evento: Industria químicaSustancias químicasSustancias tóxicas y peligrosasHigiene industrialOtros autores: American Chemical Society Other categories: 872Rights: In Copyright (InC)