
Information technology and sales productivity in an insurance company : the case of the lap top computer

Section: Books
Title: Information technology and sales productivity in an insurance company : the case of the lap top computer / Young Dan InyangAuthor: Inyang, Young Dan
Publication: Ann Arbor, Michigan : UMI, [1995]Physical description: 138 p. ; 21 cmNotes: Sumario: This study investigated the relationship between adoption and implementation of lap top computers as point-of-sale aids, and productivity in one region of a national insurance company. Variables selected for analysis were divided into three categories: organizational, individual, and technological. Organizational variables included method of communicating lap top related information, and method of training. Individual variables included attitudes of sales agents toward the lap tops and their work. Technological variables included agents' perception of the hardware and software features of the system, ease of use, and contribution to productivityTesis Temple Univ., 1993Materia / lugar / evento: Empresas de seguros Informática Productividad Ventas Encuestas Otros autores: UMI
Other categories: 216
Referencias externas:
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación — Signature: 216-INY-INF — Record number: 017000
Loan: AvailableAvailable