
The Relationship between general measures of fitness, passive range of motion and whole-body movement quality

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<title>Relationship between general measures of fitness, passive range of motion and whole-body movement quality</title>
<genre authority="marcgt">periodical</genre>
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<dateIssued encoding="marc">2013</dateIssued>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">The goal of this study was to establish relationships between fitness (torso endurance, grip strength and pull-ups), hip range of motion (ROM) (extension, flexion, internal and external rotation) and movement quality in an occupational group with physical work demands. Fifty-three men from the emergency task force of a major city police force were investigated. The movement screen comprised standing and seated posture, gait, segmental spine motion and 14 tasks designed to challenge whole-body coordination. Relationships were established between each whole-body movement task, the measures of strength, endurance and ROM. In general, fitness and ROM were not strongly related to the movement quality of any task. This has implications for worker training, in that strategies developed to improve ROM or strength about a joint may not enhance movement quality.</abstract>
<note type="statement of responsibility">David Frost...[]</note>
<classification authority="">875</classification>
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<title>Ergonomics : the international journal of research and practice in human factors and ergonomics</title>
<publisher>Oxon [United Kingdom] : Taylor & Francis, 2010-</publisher>
<identifier type="issn">0014-0139</identifier>
<identifier type="local">MAP20100019818</identifier>
<text>01/04/2013 Volumen 56 Número 4 - abril 2013 , p. 637-649</text>
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