
When Allianz acquired 49% of LV's general insurance business, it set the market talking, Martin Croucher charts the progress with the two CEOs : [Interview to] Steve Treloar (LV) and Jon Dye (Allianz)

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<title>When Allianz acquired 49% of LV's general insurance business, it set the market talking, Martin Croucher charts the progress with the two CEOs</title>
<subTitle> : [Interview to] Steve Treloar (LV) and Jon Dye (Allianz)</subTitle>
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<namePart>Treloar, Steve</namePart>
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<namePart>Liverpool Victoria</namePart>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">It was the deal of the year. But when Allianz announced it was acquiring 49% of LV's general insurance business late last summer, it caused a flurry of questions from the market. Did allianz have the appetite for the kind of risk LV writes on its commercial book? How will LV fare in re-entering the intermediated home market, which it han only just excited? Nine months on from the deal being announced, post met top bosses of both business units to hash out those questions and more</abstract>
<note type="statement of responsibility">Martin Croucher</note>
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<namePart>Allianz Group</namePart>
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<title>Insurance post</title>
<publisher>London : Infopro Digital Insurance Information , 2016-2022</publisher>
<identifier type="local">MAP20170035732</identifier>
<text>04/06/2018 Año 2018 Número 6 - junio , p. 20-23</text>
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