
National underwriter property casualty Volumen 122 Número 10 - octubre 2018

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<title>National underwriter property casualty Volumen 122 Número 10 - octubre 2018</title>
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<tableOfContents displayLabel="Contents">Instant inspiration for agents / Shawh Moynihan -- Nature unleashed: hurricane Florence -- Managing general agents: the 'golden age' endures -- Chatbots are an agent's friend / Jason Walker -- NU essentials: month's top-tier news events -- People on the move -- Winning insurance sales proposals: a longtime sales and marketing player talks about the keys to conveying your risk management solutions / John Graham -- EIS 2018 shark tank' winner: entrepreneurial insurance symposium's 12th annual competitions highlights technology and innovation in the insurance industry / Rosalie Donlon -- Second to none: 2018 NU's agency of the year awards -- Measuring success in cybersecurity: just how secure is your client's organization? Knowing the right questions to ask will yield the answer / Chris Moschovitis -- Expert insights from the insurance industry's top leaders: curtailing cyber attack damage to business and brand -- Columns</tableOfContents>
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<title>National Underwriter Property Casualty</title>
<publisher> Erlanger, KY : The National Underwriter Co, 2018-</publisher>
<identifier type="issn">1042-6841</identifier>
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<text>08/10/2018 Volumen 122 Número 10 - octubre 2018 , p. 1-44</text>
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