
5G in industrial operations : how telcos and industrial companies stand to benefit

Recurso electrónico / Electronic resource
Section: Electronic documents
Title: 5G in industrial operations : how telcos and industrial companies stand to benefit
Publication: Paris [etc.] : Capgemini Research Institute, 2019Physical description: 36 p.Notes: Sumario: Boasting features such as faster connectivity, greater reliability and security, lower latency and network slicing, 5G has gained a lot of attention in the industrial world. Experts believe that 5G has the potential to solve many of the connectivity issues faced in a range of industries, including manufacturing, transport hubs (harbors, airports, train stations), logistics, energy, and utilities. To really understand the transformative potential of this technology in manufacturing and asset-intensive industries, we have undertaken a comprehensive research focusing on industrial operations rather than on consumer applications.Materia / lugar / evento: 5G Internet Conectividad Nuevas tecnologías Desarrollo tecnológico Transformación digital Telecomunicaciones Digitalización Encuestas Comercio electrónico Otros autores: Capgemini Research Institute
Other categories: 922.13