
International Travel & Health Insurance Journal. Nº 266, March 2023

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<title>International Travel & Health Insurance Journal. Nº 266, March 2023</title>
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<tableOfContents displayLabel="Contents">Advertorial: The Power of Parametric -- Industry Voice: Jeff Wright, Allianz Partners USA -- Feature Navigating US Healthcare -- Advertorial: Adjusting to challenges -- Advertorial: MAPFRE launches MAWDY -- Advertorial: Accreditation update -- Advertorial: Adjusting to challenges -- Feature A Peru rescue mission to remember -- Industry Voice Jo McCauley, Southern Cross Travel Insurance -- Feature Getting in on the Act -- Interview Elad Schaffer, Faye Travel Insurance -- Feature Mexico, how risky is it for travellers? -- Industry Voice
Dr Paul Beven, Verisk Life, Health and Travel and Healix Group of Companies -- Feature Snowbirds, an opportunity and a challenge -- Hospitals and Healthcare Interview Dr Ferial Ladak, Global Excel -- Industry Voice Joe Cronin, International Citizens Insurance</tableOfContents>
<subject xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080624910">
<topic>Seguro de asistencia en viaje</topic>
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<topic>Seguro de salud</topic>
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<topic>Seguros paramétricos</topic>
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<text>06/03/2023 Número 266 - marzo 2023 , 101 p.</text>
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