
Industry-backed solutions likely to support Morocco earthquake relief despite low insurance penetration : fresh challenges for reinsurers as performance improves

Industry-backed solutions likely to support Morocco earthquake relief despite low insurance penetration : fresh challenges for reinsurers as performance improves. — Oldwick [etc.] : A.M. Best Company, 2022
9 p . — (Best´s Commentary)
Sumario: The Moroccan solidarity fund for catastrophic events is covered by a parametric insurance scheme that covers earthquake events
1. Mercado de seguros . 2. Catástrofes naturales . 3. Terremotos . 4. Gerencia de riesgos . 5. Pérdidas . 6. Perspectivas del seguro . 7. Evolución del reaseguro . 8. Evaluación de impacto . 9. Marruecos . I. A.M. Best Company . II. Title.