
Residential electricity consumption over the demographic transition in the Philippines

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Abrigo, Michael R.M.
Residential electricity consumption over the demographic transition in the Philippines / Michael R.M. Abrigo, Ma. Kristina P. Ortiz
Sumario: The global shifts in population age distribution brings about both challenges and opportunities. On the one hand, demographic transitions present an opportunity for sustained economic growth. However, it also poses challenges in meeting future consumption requirements. In this paper, we performed an index decomposition analysis linked with an economic-demographic model to trace how population age structure change may affect household electricity demand with the Philippines as a specific case study. Our results show that population ageing has a direct, significant, and persistent effect on residential electricity demand growth.
En: The Journal of the economics of ageing . - Oxford : Elsevier ScienceDirect, 2021-. - 05/02/2024 Volumen 27 - 2024 , p.13
1. Economía . 2. Consumo energético . 3. Energía eléctrica . 4. Envejecimiento de la población . 5. Filipinas . I. P. Ortiz, Mª Kristina . II. Title.