
International Travel & Health Insurance Journal. Number 282, July 2024

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<title>International Travel & Health Insurance Journal. Number 282, July 2024</title>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">Top Stories -- New frontier Group -- Expbring the complexities of trip cancellation coverage. We speak to underwriters and insurance experts-- EURAMI - Mark Carney, President and CEO, WorldTrips. Navigating the evolution of travel insurance with data -- Mayday group -- Policies & Partnerships - European Air Ambulance -- Interviews. Ayano Fukui, Network Manager, Europ Assistance Japan -- Digitising the billing process. How are new tech solutions transforming the accuracy of healthcare bills for providers and payers? -- Hospitals & Healthcare -- Interviews. Juan Peña Núñez, Senior Development Underwriter A&H Global Accounts, Zurich - Nordic Insurance Software -- A message for Canadian medical repats: get to the back of the line. An examination of the Canadian healthcare system -- Travel Risk Management -- Jason Keck, Co-Founder and CEO, Broker Buddha Powering customer centricity through data analytics - Interviews. Karen Gorman, Healthcare Account Director, SS&C Blue Prism - Trending in Travel - Marm Assistance -- Service Directory</abstract>
<subject xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080589158">
<topic>Asistencia en viaje</topic>
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<topic>Seguro de asistencia en viaje</topic>
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<topic>Viajes y travesías</topic>
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<topic>Nuevas tecnologías</topic>
<subject xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080547226">
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<topic>Sistemas sanitarios</topic>
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<title>International Travel & Health Insurance Journal</title>
<publisher>Bristol, UK : Voyageur Publishing & Events Ltd., 2020-</publisher>
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<text>15/07/2024 Número 282 - julio 2024 </text>
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