
The Actuary : the magazine of the Institute Faculty of Actuaries, Num. 14, June 2024

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The Actuary : the magazine of the Institute Faculty of Actuaries, Num. 14, June 2024
Sumario: Up Front. Editorial. There's a focus this issue on change; President and CEO comment. Kalpana Shah and Ben Kemp share their recent engagements; IFoA news. The latest IFoA updates and events; News focus. What is a growth mindset and how can you develop one -- Features. Interview: David Wilkie; Sustainability: How do you price a panda; Sustainability: Banking on it; Health: Under pressure; Regulation: Continental shift; Data science: Winning ways; Data science: Keeping track; General insurance: Beyond the triangles; History: Metamorphosis; Data science: Not one size fi ts all; Data science: The wood from the tres -- At the Back. Extra-curricular; Student; Puzzles; People and society news
En: The Actuary : the magazine of the Institute & Faculty of Actuaries. - London : Redactive Publishing, 2019-. - 18/06/2024 Número 13 - junio 2024
1. Actuarios . 2. Sostenibilidad . 3. Salud . 4. Mercado de seguros . 5. Cambio climático . 6. Biodiversidad . 7. Empresas de seguros . 8. Normas internacionales de información financiera . 9. NIIF 17 . 10. Seguros generales . I. Title.