
Montepaschi Vita Annual Forum "The Paradigme of Value" & 2006 Annual Liability Regimes Conference

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<title>Montepaschi Vita Annual Forum "The Paradigme of Value" & 2006 Annual Liability Regimes Conference</title>
<name type="corporate" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080478728">
<namePart>Association Internationale pour l'Etude de l'Economie de l'Assurance</namePart>
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<namePart>Embedded Finance & Super App Strategies</namePart>
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<namePart>Montepaschi Vita Annual Forum Roma 2006</namePart>
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<namePart>Annual Liability Regimes Conference 4th 2007 Paris</namePart>
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<placeTerm type="text">Geneva</placeTerm>
<publisher>International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics</publisher>
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<extent>Pág. var. 30 cm.</extent>
<abstract>Introductory speech -- Insurance and its positive role in modern economies -- La socitetà globale dell'informazione e del rischio, il sistema finanziaro e la crescita economica: un nuovo rapporto tra pubblico e privato -- La socitetà globale dell'informazione e del rischio, il sistema finanziaro e la crescita economica: un nuovo rapporto tra pubblico e privato -- The understimated link between insurance and real economy. Its effect on sustainable growth and competitiveness -- The role of the insurance sector in the Spanish economy and its competitiveness -- Export credit insurance and the real economy -- Institutional speech on the role of pension funds -- Issues for discussion -- Address to the Montepaschi Vita Forum -- New challenges, new responses: report of the 2006 liability regimes conference -- Going global: the new mass litigation -- Baycol and Vioxx: case studies in mass tort litigation -- 2006 Annual Liability Regimes Conference. Voting results.</abstract>
<note>Texto en inglés e italiano</note>
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<topic>Responsabilidad civil</topic>
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<topic>Economía del seguro</topic>
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<topic>Seguro de crédito a la exportación</topic>
<subject authority="lcshac" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080592455">
<topic>Planes de pensiones</topic>
<subject authority="lcshac" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080599218">
<topic>Sistemas financieros</topic>
<subject authority="lcshac" xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="MAPA20080559236">
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<topic>Mercado de seguros</topic>
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