
An Updated cause specific mortality study of petroleum refinery workers

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Title: An Updated cause specific mortality study of petroleum refinery workers / T.G. Dagg... [et al.]
Notes: Sumario: An update of a cohort study of 14.074 employees at the Richmond and El Segundo refineries of Chevron USA in California was conducted to further examine mortality patterns. Standard mortality ratios (SMR) were raised for several other causes of death, but only leukaemia and lymphoreticulosarcoma exhibited a pattern suggestive of an occupational relationRelated records: En: British journal of industrial medicine. - London and Margate. - nº 3, March 1992 ; p. 203-212Materia / lugar / evento: Medicina laboral Enfermedades profesionales Casos prácticos Refinerías Industria petroquímica Estadísticas Petróleo Mortalidad California Estados Unidos Otros autores: Dagg, T.G.
Secondary titles: Título: British journal of industrial medicine
Other categories: 873