
An Investigation of dust generation by free falling powders

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Heitbrink, William A.
An Investigation of dust generation by free falling powders / William A. Heitbrink, Paul A. Baron and Klaus Willeke
Sumario: To identify the dust generation processes, aluminium oxide powder was dropped as a free falling slug in a tes chamber. The effect of the slug's mass, diameter, and drop height upon the aerosol concentration and size distribution was measured with an aerodynamic particle sizer. Aerosol gemneration can reduced by minimizing the contact between the falling powder and the air
En: American Industrial Hygiene Association journal. - Akron, Ohio. - Vol. 53, nº 10, October 1992 ; p. 617-624
1. Higiene industrial . 2. Contaminantes químicos . 3. Contaminación atmosférica . 4. Polvo . 5. Partículas ambientales . 6. Tests . 7. Aerosoles . 8. Control de contaminantes . 9. Ventilación . 10. Corrientes de aire . 11. Muestreos . 12. Métodos experimentales . 13. Análisis estadístico . I. Baron, Paul A. . II. Willeke, Klaus . III. Title. IV. Título: American Industrial Hygiene Association journal.