
Computers and vision : simple measures can ease eyestrain

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Section: Articles
Title: Computers and vision : simple measures can ease eyestrain / by Randi Hutter EpsteinAuthor: Hutter Epstein, Randi
Notes: Sumario: For as long as people have eyed computer screens, scientists have wondered what the screens do to our eyes. Some scientists speculate that overstraining the eyes day after day triggers permanent medical problems. Others theorize that the very low level of electromagnetic radiation emitted from the screens could somehow interfere with cells. This could ultimately cause cataracts or thickening of the cornea. Still others have a hunch our eyes are simply tired. One night's rest is all we need to reinvigorate them for the next day's workRelated records: En: Safety & health. - Itasca. - Vol. 150, nº 1, July 1994 ; p. 40-43Materia / lugar / evento: Ergonomía Pantallas de visualización de datos Enfermedades profesionales Lesiones oculares Fatiga Ordenadores Secondary titles: Título: Safety & health
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