
Chile : controversy, difficulty and solutions

Callund, David
Chile : controversy, difficulty and solutions / by David Callund
The pension reform in Chile has been the subject of much heated debate. Although trere were inequities in the old system, some lf the charges about it being unjust and regressive were much overstated.The counter-arguments, to the effect that the poorest members of society would be totally disadrantaged, failed to tade the minimun state-guaranteed pension into account. Most importantly, the arguments on both sides tanted to overlook the fact that pension reform was only one element in a platform of socioeconomic reform, involving privatization on a grand scale, the exposure of Chilean business to foreign competition, by means of tariff reductions on imports, tax reform and the international facilitation of capital movements
En: The Geneva papers on risk and insurance : issues and practice. - Genève. - Vol. 24, nº 4 October 1999 ; p. 528-533
1. Pensiones . 2. Chile . 3. Sistemas de pensiones . 4. Planes de pensiones . 5. Reforma social . 6. Evolución histórica . I. Title. II. Título: The Geneva papers on risk and insurance.