
Shaky ground : questioning health plan and provider solvency

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Section: Articles
Title: Shaky ground : questioning health plan and provider solvency / by Gary HagenAuthor: Hagen, Gary
Notes: California is known as a bellwether for managed care innovations and heavy goverment regulation. Sadly, given the limitations of goverment and the dynamics of the postmodern health care market, the state of California, currently can nott adequately guarantee the solvency of ite fifty-eight full service plans and fifty-nine specialized plans and physucian organizations. Neither can any other regulator in America. That must changeRelated records: En: Risk Management. - New York. - November 1999 ; p. 41-45Materia / lugar / evento: Health Maintenance Organizations Estados Unidos Sistemas sanitarios Financiación Solvencia Asistencia sanitaria Other categories: 34
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