
The Role analysis in the protecction of critical infrastructures against terrorism

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Section: Articles
Title: The Role analysis in the protecction of critical infrastructures against terrorism / Yacob Y. Haimes, Thomas LongstaffAuthor: Haimes, Yacov Y.
Notes: The risk of terrorist attacks on critical infrastructures is tangibles, but untill September 11, 2001, it had been seemingly invisible to the public as well as to many policymakers. The article includes some measures to avoid the vulnerability of the nation's infrastructuresRelated records: En: Risk analysis : an international journal. - New York and London : Society for Risk Analysis. - Vol. 22, nº 3, June, 2002 ; p. 439-444Materia / lugar / evento: Terrorismo Atentados Grandes riesgos Política Infraestructura económica Política de defensa Política de prevención Riesgos intangibles Análisis de riesgos Otros autores: Longstaff, Thomas
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