
Reinsuring climatic risk using optimally designed weather bonds

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Section: Articles
Title: Reinsuring climatic risk using optimally designed weather bonds / Pauline Barrieu and Nicole el KarouiAuthor: Barrieu, Pauline
Notes: The aims of this paper is to determine the optimal structure of a weather bond, i. e. a bond whose coupons depend on the accurence of a weather event. Related records: En: The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review. - The Netherlands : The Geneva Association, 1991-2010 = ISSN 0926-4957. - 01/12/2002 Número 2 27 2002 , p. 87-113Materia / lugar / evento: Reaseguro Catástrofes naturales Climatología Seguro de riesgos extraordinarios Otros autores: Karoui, Nicole el
Secondary titles: Título: The Geneva papers on risk and insurance theory
Other categories: 5
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