
Law and the determinants of property-casualty insurance

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Law and the determinants of property-casualty insurance / Neil Esho...[et al.]
This article examines the importance of legal rights and enforcement in influencing property-casualty insurance (PCI) consuption. We extend the existing literature by examining the role of legal factors in determining insurance density across countries. Using a panel data set, we apply a generalized methods of moments dynamic system estimator , which relaxes the assuption of strict exogeneity of the regressors and produces unbiased and efficient estimates. The result show a strong postive relationship between the protection of property rights and insurance consumption, which is robust to various model specifications and estimation techniques
En: The Journal of risk and insurance. - Orlando. - Volume 71, number 1, March 2004 ; p. 265-283
1. Estudios . 2. Métodos estadísticos . 3. Seguro de daños patrimoniales . 4. Economía del seguro . 5. Demanda de seguros . 6. Teoría de la estimación . I. Esho, Neil . II. Title. III. Título: The Journal of risk and insurance.