
Sitting comfort and discomfort and the relationships with objective measures

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Looze, M.P. de
Sitting comfort and discomfort and the relationships with objective measures / Michel P. De Looze, Lottie F. M. Kuijt-Evers, Jaap Van Dieën
In the current paper a theoretical framework is presented, in which comfort and discomfort were defined and the hypothetical associations with underlying factors were indicated
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 46, nº 10, August 2003 ; p. 985-997
1. Confortabilidad . 2. Sillas . 3. Ergonomía . 4. Asientos . I. Kuijt-Evers, Lottie F.M. . II. Van Dieën, Jaap . III. Title. IV. Título: Ergonomics.