
U.S. Reinsurance prices, financial quality, and global capacity

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Weiss, Mary A.
U.S. Reinsurance prices, financial quality, and global capacity / Mary A. Weiss, Joo-Hai Chung
This research investigates factors related to prices charged by U.S. reinsurers for non proportional reinsurance. Factors hypothesized to be related to price can be found in the literarture, especially, the under writting cycle theory literature. Two prominent factors identified in the literature are relative capacity (i.e., capacity constraint hypothesis) and finantial quality (i.e., risky debt model). And variables representing the two factors are included in the regression models
En: The Journal of risk and insurance. - Orlando. - Volume 71, number 3, September 2004 ; p. 421-435
1. Reaseguro . 2. Estados Unidos . 3. Mercado de seguros . 4. Gestión financiera . I. Chung, Joon-Hai . II. Title. III. Título: The Journal of risk and insurance.