
Been through the storm

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Guerra, Alfredo
Been through the storm / Alfredo Guerra, Kathie Kearney
Every company has the responsibility to its employees, customers and stakehalders to ensine. That damages are mitigated in the event of future disaster. And, planning is the key to any successful disaster recovered. Compared to the devastation of recent years, the 2006 hurricane season has now came and fane without major impact for most U.S business. This cannot necessarily be taken as a sign of things to came, however, and companies that use this as a validation to domwgrade their prepared ness are certainly taking a unyopic view of things
En: Risk Management. - New York. - Vol. 53, nº 12, December 2006 ; p. 46-50
1. Huracanes . 2. Tormentas . 3. Catástrofes naturales . 4. Gerencia de riesgos . 5. Evaluación de riesgos . 6. Empresas . 7. Planificación de la prevención . I. Kearney, Kathie . II. Title.