MAP20070007501 A Fire service guide to the selection, use, care and maintenance of self-containes breathing apparatus / project staff Bruce W. Teele, Jonathan H. Greenawalt, Stephen G. Persson ; prepared by the National Fire Protection Association for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. — Boston : National Fire Protection Association, [198-?] 228 p. : il ; 28 cm. 1. Seguridad contra incendios . 2. Brigadas contra incendios . 3. SCBA . 4. Servicios contra incendios . 5. Dirección de empresas . 6. Management . I. Teele, Bruce W. . II. Greenawalt, Jonathan J. . III. Persson, Stephen G. . IV. National Fire Protection Association . V. Title. FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de DocumentaciónFUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación — Signature: 813.3-Fir-Fir — Record number: 008272 Loan: Available