
Empirical analysis of the provision of local public goods : an alternative to the median voter model

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Todó Rovira, Adolf
Empirical analysis of the provision of local public goods : an alternative to the median voter model / by Adolf Todó Rovira. — Barcelona : ESADE, 1989
30 p. ; 30 cm . — (Papers ESADE ; 19)
Sumario: The model most widely used to analyze the provision of local public goods has been the median voter model. This paper estimates an alternative model presented in Groves an Todó Rovira. The results are more consistent with the position that local governments "aggregate" individual demands for local public goods in an income-weighted manner, that is, weighting more the preferences of those individuals in the upper-tail of the income distribution
1. Servicios públicos . 2. Teoría económica . 3. Análisis económico . 4. Administración pública . 5. Inversiones públicas . 6. Gestión financiera . I. Escuela Superior de Administración y Dirección de Empresas . II. Papers ESADE ; 19 . III. Title.