MAP20090096400Mercury in th environment : an epidemiological and toxicological appraisal / editors Lars Friberg, Jaroslav Vostal. — Ohio : CRC Press, cop. 1972214 p. ; 27 cm.Fondo donado por el Sr. Enrique González Fernández, del INSHTSumario: Methods of analysis -- Transport and transformation of mercury in nature and possible routes of exposure -- Metabolism -- Symptoms and signs of intoxication -- "Normal" concentrations of mercury in human tissue and urine -- Inorganic meercury -- Organic mercury compounds, relation between exposure and effects -- Genetic effects -- General discussion and conclusions, need for further research1. Sustancias tóxicas y peligrosas. 2. Epidemiología. 3. Mercurio. 4. Ambiente de trabajo. 5. Contaminantes químicos. 6. Higiene industrial. I. Friberg, Lars. ed.. II. Vostal, Jaroslav. ed.. III. Título.
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación — Signatura: MAP - 872 MER MER — Nº de registro: 048216